We’re Approved!

On March 16th the Jackson Park renovation project received unanimous approval from the RecPark Commission. Yahoo! Thank you to everyone who has supported FoJP’s efforts to move this project forward. We really appreciate all the letters, calls and attendance at meetings - you rock! Special thank you to our Design Dream Team from Fletcher Studio and Jackson Liles Architecture who have created a fantastically creative and beautiful design which realizes the community’s desire for more unprogrammed gathering space while adding a space for dogs, a larger learning garden and an indoor/outdoor amphitheater.

We’re raised over $30MM in pledged and donated funds - both public and private - and we just need $10MM more. Stay tuned for details of our equal opportunity fundraising opportunities. We plan on launching a capital campaign this Fall. And as always, we welcome your input, your energy and your ideas.


Why I’m involved in FoJP by board member, Jack Alber


Community Meeting Update